
IMPEC 2016 Conference > Call for Papers

From 6 to 8 of July 2016, at ENS of Lyon (IFE building).

The next conference on Screen-Based Multimodal Interactions (Interactions Multimodales Par ECran), IMPEC 2016, is a continuation of the first IMPEC conference, which was held in Lyon in July 2014 and was truly interdisciplinary in scope. Studies examined screens in such varied contexts as social networks, videoconferencing, discussion forums, and screen-based games. The IMPEC 2016 conference will retain its interdisciplinary scope and will also include studies pertaining to education (contexts of teaching and learning) to complement studies of screen use in other contexts.

The conference aims to contribute to the field of online communication, which screens continue to transform and diversify, be it in a private context or for entertainment purposes, in an educational context, or in a professional context. 

The 2016 edition of IMPEC will be organized around a central theme: presence. Reflections will focus on presence as concept and as practice by means of, through and with screens. It is from this angle that we will examine questions pertaining to communication with screens and concerning modes of presence (to oneself, to others, to the world (Weissberg, 1999), co-presence, presentification (or instantiation) of presence (Merzeau, 2010)– for example with avatars, the construction of presence, surpresence or hyperpresence with screens, hyperpersonal interactions (Walther, 1996), etc.

  • How do we manifest our presence to others with screens?
  • How do we exist for others?
  • And, conversely, how do others exist for us on screen?
  • How do screen-based interactions materialize?

Other questions tied to presence could also interest IMPEC 2016. The conference will also feature presentations that are not focused on presence specifically but respond to questions in the larger field of screen-based interactions.

Apart from departments of language and linguistics, researchers from such diverse fields as communication science, sociology, educational science, psychology, philosophy, geography, computer technology, political science and cognitive science are welcome to contribute to what we hope will be an interdisciplinary blending of research.

For submission instructions, visit this page.

The deadline for submissions is October 5, 2015.

You can contact us at


The organization committee of IMPEC 2016 thanks the financial partners for  their support:logos


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