IMPEC 2024 Conference > Submission formatSubmission deadline: October 8th January 31th, 2024 We will accept four possibles formats of presentation: oral presentations, symposia, workshops and posters. All submissions must be anonymised; there should be nothing in your text nor in your bibliography which allows you to be identified. The paper selection will follow a double-blind review process, meaning that both the authors and reviewers will remain anonymous during the paper selection process. NO attachments should be included with your submission. Each participant may submit a maximum of two proposals, no matter your role (principal author or co-author). French (with slides in English), English (with slides in French), Spanish, Portuguese, Italian or German (with slides in French or English) will be the principal languages of the conference. To see calls in 6 languages go to home page. Oral PresentationsProposals must include a summary of at least 4000 to 5000 characters (including spaces) and a short bibliography. Summaries must include the following information:
The selected oral communications may be accompanied by a slide show (translated into English or French). SymposiaThe summary of a symposia must include at least 10,000 to 12,000 characters (including spaces) and a short bibliography. The summary should be divided into different sections: a) formulation of the general research question linked to the selected theme, b) the summaries of the individual oral presentations (3 to 5 shorter summaries, without the names of the authors1 to ensure an anonymous review process), c) a short bibliography. A symposia regroups three to five oral presentations under the supervision of a symposia supervisor. The symposia may last from 1.5 to 2.5 hours. Each of the three, four or five individual summaries must include the following information:
The selected symposia may be accompanied by a slide show (translated into English or French). 1 The names of the different authors of the individual oral presentation will have to be indicated in the form field labelled “authors”. WorkshopsThe “workshop” format will allow participants to prepare a presentation focused more on the practical applications and sharing experiences with the participants, such as:
Each workshop will last one hour and may be presented a total of two times during the conference, depending on the number of approved workshops. Each participant must be autonomous with the materials required for the workshop; the IMPEC organisational team can only provide electrical outlets, video projectors, and speakers. Workshop proposals must include a summary of at least 4,000 to 5,000 characters (including spaces) and a short bibliography. The summaries must include the following information:
The selected workshops may be accompanied by a slide show (translated into English or French). PostersProposals of posters must include a summary of at least 4000 to 5000 characters (including spaces) and a short bibliography. Summaries must include the following information:
****** To submit a proposal, the submission page can be found here: |
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