
IMPEC 2024 Conference > artistic performance


 Thursday 4th of july from 3pm to 4pm

"One day an actor will have to hand over his living body to medicine, so that we can open it up and find out what's going on inside it when it's playing. We need to know how the other body is made."

From the field of exploration offered by her doctoral research, Youssra Mansar is trying to take Valère Novarina's words literally - and in reverse: how can we open up the actor's interior through the outer image that the theatre offers of him - and what if theatre were this open-heart surgery on the body?

Youssra Mansar

Actress, director and currently a doctoral student in Performing Arts, Youssra Mansar's university career is divided into two parts. In 2010, she obtained her first Master's degree in Mathematics and Computer Science. Here she discovered programming languages, networks, web applications and algorithms, among other things. She completed her Master's with a year's work experience in a company. She then embarked on a university course in Performing Arts (DEUST, Licence, Master's) correlated with practical experience as an actress, assistant director and then director. Drawing on these two fields of study and experience, her work has gradually developed around the changing role of the actor in the face of new scenographic, textual and robotic forms.

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