
IMPEC 2022 Conference > Call for papers

Following the exploration of presence (2016), the body (2018) and sensorialities (2020), the IMPEC 2022 conference proposes to approach the theme of screen-based interactions through the lense of space.

As we have seen in the context of the pandemic that has recently forced us to revisit our practices, whether physical, metaphorical or virtual, space is questioned by the use of screens.

"Space is at the horizon of all our perceptions" (Ibnelkaid, 2016: 76) and Merleau-Ponty's theory "amounts to thinking of space not as a kind of ether in which all objects would bathe but as a character that is common to them [...]" (Ibnelkaid, 2016: 76). This common character requires redefinition in the context of screen use.

Furthermore, the analysis of interactions has shown the importance of considering space as an "interactive and performative achievement" (Jucker et al. 2018: 86): on the one hand, participants use and accommodate the space they have at their disposal; on the other hand, they create spaces through their discourses and interactions.

With the pandemic, we have seen the generalization of screen-based activities that are now part of everyday life - collaborative reading, meetings, sports classes, etc. - to the point of creating neologisms such as "videoconferencing" - which force us to rethink interaction spaces. Indeed, more and more digital tools are transforming the spatial configuration of our interactions by revisiting private, professional, artistic or political space and by introducing, for example, geolocation in our uses (Licoppe 2013; de Souza e Silva 2013; Frith, 2014; Humpreys & Liao 2011).

Thus Chabert's (2012: 205) reflection remains relevant: "How does the sense of space manifest itself in relationships to screens? How do we approach this perception of screen spaces? The plural of experienced spaces seems to us inescapable because the feeling of space is different according to the screens. "

How can we conceive the relation between different spaces (of the screen, physical, imagined, represented, etc.) and the relations established between interlocutors within these spaces? Is it under the metaphor of fragility (Licoppe and Relieu 2007), fragmentation (de Fornel, 1988), continuity, imbrication, diffraction (Audet and Brousseau 2011)? What is the role of "hybridity" (de Souza e Silva, 2016; Spagnolli & Gamberini 2002; Crabtree & Rodden 2008) between different spaces/types of space? These relationships are to be interrogated in the context of the meaning created by the subjects. Indeed, are screen spaces vectors of agentivity or do they occupy a territory that could be invested otherwise? Conversely, how do we occupy these screen spaces to make them territories of incubation? Are they a refuge as Chabert (2012: 210) suggests?

Moreover, how are the background spaces, the intimate spaces, undermined, and how do each of us and the collective accommodate these intrusions, and the temptation of the extime (Rouquette 2008)? How is media space perceived, appropriated or bypassed? How does the use of screens question, or even reconfigure, the relationship between interaction and physical distance? What is the role of the screen in the construction of interactional space (Broth 2009; Due 2021; Licoppe & Veyrier 2017; Mondada 2009, 2011)? How do generational, gender, or cultural factors come into play?

While "[i]n relation to conventional exchanges, digital technologies open up physically unlocated 'spaces' in which anonymous interactions between disembodied individuals can take place" (Ibnelkaid 2016: 72), screen-based practices also alter our territories of inscription, and subject us to forces that are by turns threatening (trolls, irruptions into virtual space, fake news, tracking, deep fake) or benevolent, socializing, and creative (games, online art performances, collaborative applications, augmented literary experience (Develotte & El Hachani 2021).

Thus, can the dialectic of liberation/oppression, winners/losers as conveyed in language and interactions be explored in light of screen spaces and uses? For example, following the utopian discourses that accompanied the emergence of the Internet and the so-called Web 2.0, several voices were raised from 2010 onwards to denounce the drifts of illegal surveillance linked to participation on the Internet, up to the fear of the construction of a new era that would sound the end of free will in favor of data (Harari 2015). How can we theorize on the one hand these realities that are problematic for the construction of public space, and on the other hand the capacity for mobilization, visible for example in the "#BlackLivesMatter" and "#MeToo" movements.

An extension would also be what Pereira (2012) calls oppositional virtual zones, i.e. critical and emancipatory virtual spaces, spaces where "a pedagogy of conscientization and empowerment promoting an awareness of systemic social relations" is developed. In the same way, the performance and the agentivity of each individual and collective can be revisited on the screen, virtual, augmented or avatarial scene.

Whether from the point of view of the produced space or the processual space, in reception or in emission, in reconstruction or in deconstruction, for this 2022 edition of the IMPEC conference, we we suggest reflecting around these 3 complementary themes, which can be seized by various disciplines and methodological protocols:

A) Spaces and uses: Regulating / Adapting / Living space
- strategies of compensation and diversion,
- altered and degraded modes of interaction,
- interactional failures and interactive tinkering,
- modification of action in the presence of one or more screens,
- prescriptions and orientations in physical space,
- presence effects,
- relations between physical and digital spaces.

B) Spaces and territories: Investing / Occupying / Saturating space
- (geo)political issues,
- monetisation,
- verbal violence, trolling,
- capturing attention,
- emancipation and/or marginalisation,
- spaces for counter-narratives,
- spatial anchoring of social activities,
- digital urbanity

C) Spaces and inventiveness: Building / Imagining / Increasing space
- collective and collaborative actions,
- playful practices,
- artistic productions,
- hybridity,
- modalities and augmented sensorialities,
- intertextuality and hypertextuality,
- exploratory devices.


Références :

  • Audet, R. & Brousseau, S. (2011). Pour une poétique de la diffraction de l’oeuvre littéraire numérique : l’archive, le texte et l’oeuvre à l’estompe. Protée, 39(1), 9–22.
  • Broth, M. (2009). "Seeing through screens, hearing through speakers: Managing distant studio space in television control room interaction"Journal of Pragmatics, vol. 41, no. 10, pp. 1998–2016. 
  • Chabert, G. (mars 2012). « Les espaces de l’écran », MEI, Médiation et Information, Ecrans et Médias, (n°34): 203-215
  • Crabtree, A. & Rodden, T. (2008). Hybrid ecologies: understanding cooperative interaction in emerging physical-digital environments. Pers Ubiquit Comput (2008) 12:481–493. DOI 10.1007/s00779-007-0142-7
  • De Fornel, M. (1988). Contraintes systémiques et contraintes rituelles dans l’interaction visiophonique. Réseaux, 6 (29). 33-46.
  • de Souza e Silva, A. (2013). Location-aware mobile technologies : Historical, social and spatial approaches. Mobile Media and Communication, 1(1), 116‑121. Scopus.
  • de Souza e Silva, A. (2016). From Cyber to Hybrid : Mobile Technologies as Interfaces of Hybrid Spaces. Space and Culture.
  • Develotte, C, El Hachani, M. (2021). L’alliance du papier et du numérique de fiction jeunesse en bibliothèque de lecture publiquein R. Bourassa, Configuration du livre en contexte numérique. plateforme livrenum, parution en ligne courant 2021.
  • Due, B. (2021). "RoboDoc: Semiotic resources for achieving face-to-screenface formation with a telepresence robot"Semiotica, no. 238, pp. 253–278.
  • Frith, J. (2014). Communicating through location : The understood meaning of the Foursquare check-in. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 19(4), 890‑905. Scopus.
  • Harari, Y.N. ([2015] 2017). Homo deus : une brève histoire du futur, trad. de l'anglais par Pierre-Emmanuel Dauzat, Paris : éd. Albin Michel.
  • Humphreys, L., & Liao, T. (2011). Mobile Geotagging : Reexamining Our Interactions with Urban Space. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 16(3), 407‑423.
  • Ibnelkaïd S. (2016). Identité et altérité par écran : modalités de l’intersubjectivité en interaction numérique. Linguistique. Université lumière Lyon 2. tel-01364790
  • Jucker, A. (2018). Doing space in face-to-face interaction and on interactive multimodal platforms. Journal of Pragmatics 134, 85-101.
  • Licoppe C. & Relieu M. (2007). Présentation. Réseaux, 5 (144). 9-22.
  • Licoppe, C. & Veyrier, C.A. (2017). "How to show the interpreter on screen? The normative organization of visual ecologies in multilingual courtrooms with video links"Journal of Pragmatics, vol. 107, pp. 147–164.
  • Licoppe, C. (2013) Merging mobile communication studies and urban research: Mobile locative media, “onscreen encounters” and the reshaping of the interaction order in public places. Mobile Media & Communication 1(1), 122-128
  • Mondada L. (2009). "Video recording practices and the reflexive constitution of the interactional order: some systematic uses of the split-screen technique"Human Studies, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 67–99.
  • Pereira, I. (2020). Pédagogie critique numérique : Les espaces virtuels radicaux. Le Courrier.
  • Rouquette, S. (2008). Les blogs «extimes»: analyse sociologique de l’interactivité des blogs. tic&société, 2(1). Mondada 2011
  • Spagnolli, A., & Gamberini, L. (2002). Immersion/Emersion: Presence in hybrid environments.


Submission procedures

There are four possibles formats of presentation:

  • oral presentations
  • symposia
  • workshops
  • posters

Details about the submission procedures can be found here: 

The extended deadline to submit your proposal is October 8th, 2021. Proposals must be submitted online via the conference website:

To contact the organising committee:

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