Workshop IMPEC > PresentationWelcome to the site of the seminar “Interactions Multimodales Par Ecran” (IMPEC)at the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon The monthly seminar IMPEC (Interactions multimodales par Écrans), initially created and directed by Christine Develotte since 2013, is now a hybrid, interlaboratory and itinerant seminar. IMPEC welcomes researchers from different disciplines: language sciences, education sciences, cognitive sciences, information and communication sciences, psychology, sociology, and doctoral students who focus their research on screen-based interactions.
IMPEC is the locus of epistemological and methodological debate.It is aligned with the positions claimed by the recent field of "Digital Humanities" (Mounier, dir., 2012). It seeks to promote new approaches that investigate the specificities of multimodal screen-based interactions. These novel conceptual and methodological tools originate from the communication between various disciplines and/or generated through re-readings of authors traditionally used in Multimodal Interaction Analysis.
Since 2021, the IMPEC seminar in its new formula is supported by the ICAR laboratories of Lyon (Christine Develotte, Joséphine Rémon, Jean-François Grassin), ELICO of Lyon (Mabrouka El Hachani), LEST of Aix-Marseille (Caroline Vincent), LPL of Aix-Marseille (Christelle Combe), the COACT group of Oulu Finland (Samira Ibnelkaïd).
News from 2014-2015 During the 2014-2015 school year, we revisited the work of Erwin Goffman in order to study the scope and limitations of his concepts when brought to bear on screen-based communicational contexts. The schedule and recording of previous sessions are available for consultation on this site. |
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